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Hooks specify how user logic should be called by the Predictive Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.


The http hook allows defining an HTTP request for the autoscaler to make. Any relevant information will be provided to the target of the request by HTTP parameters - either query or body parameters. An error is signified by a status code that is not defined to be successful in the configuration; if this kind of error occurs the autoscaler will capture the response body and log it.


This is an example configuration of the http hook for runtime tuning fetching with Holt Winters:

    type: "http"
    timeout: 2500
      method: "GET"
      url: ""
        - 200
        exampleHeader: exampleHeaderValue
      parameterMode: query

Breaking this example down:

  • type = the type of the hook, for this example it is an http hook.
  • timeout = the maximum time the hook can take in milliseconds, for this example it is 2500 (2.5 seconds), if it takes longer than this it will count the hook as failing.
  • http = configuration of the HTTP request.
    • method = the HTTP method of the HTTP request.
    • url = the URL to target with the HTTP request.
    • successCodes = a list of success codes defining how to determine if the request is successful - if the request responds with a code not on this list it will be assumed to be a failure.
    • headers = a dictionary of headers that can be provided with the request, in this example the key is exampleHeader and the value is exampleHeaderValue. This is an optional parameter.
    • parameterMode = the mode for passing parameters to the target; either query - as a query parameter, or body - as a body parameter. In this example it is by query parameter.

POST Example

This is an example using HTTP POST and information passed as a body parameter.

  type: "http"
  timeout: 2500
    method: "POST"
    url: ""
      - 200
      - 202
    parameterMode: body